Monday, October 29, 2007

The Last Team Ride

from DP:

We had a great last ride with Rick today, a little sadness but mostly laughs and good times. The group rode up to the Java Slut for coffee and snacks, then hit the Alpine Dam loop. A beautiful ride as always. And of course there was attacking early & often from James R.

Rick was uncharacteristicall y on good behavior almost the whole time, and I was beginning to think he might go the entire ride without flipping anybody off or yelling snide comments at clueless drivers. We even got through Sausalito without incident. But true to form, Rick finally came through on the bridge on the way home...we had a slow guy riding in front of us on a 4-wheeled recumbent type thing. The guy was probably disabled and was riding really slow, basically blocking the whole lane. Finally Rick gets fed up, pulls along side me and says, "Dude, tell Stephen Hawking he's holding everybody up!!!" and then proceeds to scoot past the guy. Classic!

Rick, it's been a pleasure having you on the team these past couple years. We wish you luck and success in New York, and please come back and see us when you can. Like it or not, you are a permanent part of the Mouse family!


The Rick Delgado 1st Annual Memorial Ride

Well it was a lovely Sunday morning for the 1st annual Rick Delgado Memorial Ride and Java Slut Stop.

On hand were DP, James, Ray, Me (not dead yet) and new guy Liam (who got lost near the bikepath on the easiest part of the ride)...what do you expect? He's Canadian! But I digress.

It all started out lovely with a nice tempo up the climb to Corte Madera and a quick regroup at Twin Cities. Then it was off to the Java Slut because James the Hurricane Rosberg needed his coffee. We rolled to a stop and there was a pretty good crowd there, enjoying the coffee no doubt. We enjoyed our stop while Ray mingled with the Mtn Bikers and I got to meet Otis Guy (Mtn Bike Hall of Famer)

Then we set off for my final trek up Alpine Damn! We had a nice tempo going and I want to thank Ray and James for leading me out to the power climb section before the descent to the Damn! After some guys we passed made a comment of "is that it?" DP and James decided after spotting them a minute it was time to walk them down. They were off pretty quickly while I rode with Ray and Liam. Then I decided I would also chase these guys down and not only were they caught but dropped while in my 19!

We then rode the 7 sisters/bitches and headed down to Mill Valley. Thats when we lost Liam...somewhere. We are still not sure. We doubled back and even split up but never found him. Hope you got back ok dude. Or maybe he got shot into space?

Then it was off thru Sausalito one last time and 1 more time over the GGB. Thats when my good mood was ruined by some old guy in a wheel chair bike thing with 4 wheels, mirrors and a banana seat. (guessing) As I came up along James i yelled to DP to tell this guy he was holding up traffic. Spotting a gap a shot thru. DP says a made a foul remark but I can't recall ; )

Anyhow, thanks to James, DP, Ray and Liam for making it out. It was a fun last team ride...sorry more couldn't make it. If you are ever in NY look me up!

Take Care Mice and Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Responses from the Mouse..."That Guy Rick"

from William:

Just thought I'd get the ball rolling on what could possibly be a long
list of Rick Delgado moments...

1. Easter Sunday 2007. Rick flips off a bunch of old ladies on the
Golden Gate Bridge and tells them that he hopes they decide to jump
off. Oh and they happened to be protesting some sort of war or

2. Every corner of every crit I've ever raced with Rick.
it was Rick. Perhaps I should have taken his advice. That way I
would have raced more than four times this year.


from Ray Storm:

Or how about that time rick brought over those two tranny hookers and..... oh i guess you guys weren't there.

well how about the time he ruined my skin suit in some stupid crash in ny. ha ha just kidding.

really how about that he is a great friend and i will miss the sorry son of a bitch.

from Motorboat:

Or that time he yelled "Jesus Christ Asshole!" in the middle of the Christian Cyclists Dash For Cash Race...

Hey bro, sorry to hear you have to move back east. It was great to have you on the team, and I think you constantly berating me for not CATing up to 3s really pushed me this season. We will miss all your off colored comments and that distinctive New York edge in your personality. Take care bro.


from Isaias

What about the infamous weekends of Merced racing...we are housed at Casa Lollini and it's the usual cast of characters: Ray, Ben, DP, Chris, Larry, Matt, James, me and of course Rick.

Some how we got to talking about one of Rick's radio shows, I can't really remember what the heck it was about, but what came out of it was a new saying, "do you ever play that game." The beauty of it is that you can bust it out anytime somebody makes some sort of joke or innuendo. It's a classic. None of the one liners are coming to mind right now, but I'm sure this post will stimulate somebody's mind. Oh here we go, "you ever play that game, stimulate somebody's mind." HAH!

Rick, it was nice to meet you and with you. Your quick wit and sarcasam is always a laugh! Good luck in NYC!


My Last Season as a Mouse...Goodbye SF : (

So it is with much regret that I inform the team that I will be leaving the Bay Area in a few weeks time. The job search that I have been on for the past year has turned up nothing in SF and it is now time for me to go.

As some of you know, I lost my fulltime radio job over a year ago and being the state of the business not good, I have had to give up on my desire to stay here. Its too bad...I really have come to love living and riding here and being a Mouse has been awesome. Thanks Larry for recruiting me.

For now it looks like I will be returning to the East Coast (NY) where I will try and regroup and see what is next on my chosen career path or I may exit the radio industry all together and start a new career. Either way, unfortunately I must go.

So I hope to be able to ride with you all at least once more before I pack up and move. Thanks for letting me be part of a great team...GTTM!

Also, I have been getting some really funny responses to my announcement...I will be posting them.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Nothing really now but more to follow!

For now here is me and Phil Liggett....and why is he smiling? Because what you CAN'T see is me gently cupping his old ass.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I said Pull Over!!!

Today was my first real ride since the crash at San Ardo. I decided I need to test my fitness today and with the Mt Tam hill climb going on today I decided that the Spectrum ride out of Los Altos was a good pick. Mostly flat, some sprint points and power climbs.

I was a bit nervous but still found myself cranking it up as we neared the first sprint point though I backed off. Then it happened. The Cops! The Fuzz! Pigs!

After what seemed like a cool lead vehicle down Portola Valley road, the local police then put on the flashers and pulled over a group of about 60 riders. Now thats balls....but we stopped. He then proceeded to lecture us on riding on the roads. They say it is because of complaints but I say F that! If we have to stop at lights and signs and can get pulled over and given tickets just like cars, we ought to be allowed to ride the roads without worrying about people complaining that our group is too big or whatever.

Then the cop starts handing out what look to be tickets and with that, riders at the back quickly turn and take off. It was just a flyer with rules on it...I don't know. I couldn't really read it while I was riding.

So then we are off again, making our way along the route and down Canada road to sprint point #2 when again, The Cops! The Fuzz! A pork product of some type! (you get the picture)

With this 2nd stop by the PO- LEECE the juice is quickly leaving our group and people are getting a bit frustrated. We get the rundown of blah blah blah and we are off once again. The rest of the ride sees no more stops and it takes a while but we finally start hauling again and the ride finishes without sprint point number#4 being contested because of a traffic light. Oh well, not the most inspiring Spectrum ride but still fast and better yet, my fitness after 3 weeks off the bike is good. SWEET! Will I race next week....hmmmm....maybe.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ask me about my WEINER!!!!

Its amazing some of the things you see when you are out riding your bike. Yep, I did that this weekend even though I probably shouldn't have considering my separated shoulder from the San Ardo race 2 weeks ago.

Well, here is the latest...Ok, so a few Mice saw me out on the road this weekend. I rode both days but took it easy and the shoulder, except for some stiffness it felt good. I think my triceps hurt more than anything. And then falling UP my stairs yesterday didn't help either but I digress.

That said, had my Orthopedist Appt (Dr. Belzer) today and he said it was just a 2nd degree separation and that I can ride my bike today if I want. (Then I told him I already did)

He also told me to take it easy, ice it and suggested some exercises for me to do. Then told me in a very doctorly voice to NOT CRASH (no shit) and sent me on my surgery needed!

Yay ME!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Trainer ROCKS!

Actually, no it doesn't BUT it was the first time since the crash at San Ardo that I was on the bike and even though I didn't go anywhere it was still better than what I have been doing...eating Fried Twinkies and watching TV.

It felt good to turn the cranksl, sweat and even stand on the pedals here and there with virtually no pain in the shoulder. The ortho appt is on Monday so I am hoping for a good visit and good news.

More trainer tomorrow???? hmmmmmmm

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My old band

even though this is NOT cycling related....we all came from somewhere. This is a promotional pic of me with my old band Fiction from 1992....pre-cycling. If you have to ask...I'm the one seated closest to the HOT TEACHER! (she really wasn't a teacher)

But that hair would look AWESOME flowing out of a helmet. Its Chippo-esque!

Here it is...

the photographic evidence of my season ending crash....this is the hospital I was driven to at 100mph by my teammate Ammon who also took these pics. Its not that we were in a rush because of the pain or the crash. He just never drove a bmw before and thought it would be fun to go 100mph with 2 bikes on the back.

This is my dumb ass after learning that the injury wasn't a broken collar bone but actually a separated shoulder...yes I am a tool.

This is the back of said separated shoulder with road rash that has sinced itched like crazy and that "x" like thing on my back is not a supportive man-bra or "bro"/"manzere" (see Seinfeld for reference) but a figure 8 to help keep my shoulder back and somewhat in place.

Finally this is me and my trusty ward Hank! Hank sheppard me home from the hospital and kept it under 80mph....most of the way. He also helped me unload the car, got me upstairs to my apartment and helped me take off my shirt...even though I didn't ask him to. He truly is gentle. And normally I think blondes are shallow. Thanks Hank....or should I call you "Chocolate"?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


That is the sum of my first season as a CAT3. It started off promising with a top 10 in Santa Rosa early in the season and then CRAP! 3 Race crashes and picking the wrong races to focus on.

I was really hoping to cat up to a 2 this season but the breaks just didn't come for me and thus I finish this season as I started...a pointless 3! Not that there is anything wrong with that but I think my goal of becoming a climber was a bad idea.

Next season I am going to do what I did LAST season....focus on CRITS!!!

So get ready 2008 I will BRING IT! Oh yes, it will be BROUGHT-EN!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

"D" "N" "F" !!!!

coming into the last 1/2 mile of the 63 mile San Ardo road race...

"D" ON"T!
"N" OOO!!!
"F" UCK!!!!!!

Those were the three words uttered as 2 riders go down in front of me. I proceed to hit them head on full speed. Me and my bike take flight, landing hard on my left shoulder.

Later at the ER I am told by the doctor its a separated shoulder. Season over.

Thanks to Hank (aka Chocolate), Ammon, DPO, and Motorboat for looking after me and being great & patient teammates.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

How about a lil' Shake & Bake!

That is actually what is written on the back of the bibs of the team the Fighting Boba's. I know this because I got to see it in front of me when I went up to Santa Rosa for the Tuesday Night Crit series.

After Dunnigan Hills on Sat., the Back to back Suisun Crits on Sunday, intervals on Monday...sure why not race on Tuesday? I arrived a bit late and only had about 12 minutes to warm up but you know wouldn't have mattered if I had a massage and a shot of EPO...I was COOKED and as soon as the race started I felt it. My legs felt like 2 empty tree trunks attached to feet. Basically, I had nothing!

This seemed like a repeat of the 2nd Suisun crit where I had to convince myself to hang on in 5 minute increments. Then a group of 3 or 4 got off the front and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I was too busy trying to draft and telling myself that this was a good workout and I shouldn't be such a puss. BUT I AM A PUSS!!!

By some stroke of luck, I held on until the lap cards came out. I was SOOOOO happy. I was also happy that I managed to stay in the race. Now since the 3 or 4 guys off the front were not going to be caught, I focused on trying to put together a respectable finish. I noticed the Fighting Bobas guys getting together and if no one else goes, I'm sucking their wheels. With 3 laps to go I am ecstatic..ONLY 3 LAPS LEFT! Then with 2 to go the Bobas go to the front and are setting a nice tempo and leadout. I position myself right next to the guy they are setting up for the sprint and heading into turn 2 I take his leadout wheel as he sails wide and barks at me for not letting him take his teammates wheel.

Excuse freakin' me but last I checked, this is a RACE and just because you guys wear the same tights doesn't mean you automatically get the wheel...fight for it Boba. When his teammate looks back and sees me he sits up. So....I sit up. No one came around. Then all of sudden his teammate is back and the leadout is on again...SWEET! I am in perfect position...3rd wheel and we are flying heading into the last turn. Coming out of the turn, lead Boba pulls off and yells "right"! Why did he yell "right" you ask? Because that is where I was pushing him to the left and making him break the cross wind as I wound up my sprint. As we dashed for the finish I quickly pulled even and as we came to the line I did the track throw winning the bunch sprint...That's what I call "Shake & Bake"! What does that do, does that blow your mind? That just happened!" (Ricky Bobby)

I finished 4th or 5th...not really sure since they only count the top 3 places for cash BUT since it was a CAT3/4 race, I finally poke into the top 5 this season. Sure I wasn't first...but then again I wasn't last!

A Chance at Redemption!

Today's chance at some sort of redemption for the 3 flat mishap takes the shape of the Suisun Criterium in Suisun Harbor, CA. A lovely little hamlet with a small downtown crit course of .52 of a mile. That means lots of laps!

Without teammate Darren to race, I decide to do the 35+3,4,5 crit in hopes of taking advantage of the advanced age group and finally getting some upgrade points. The race starts with a near full field and we are off for 36 laps of pure joy.

Right off the bat, a guy goes clear and in this race, (with its short course) if you can get out of site you have a chance to stay away because the pack will forget about you. Not this year....I wasn't about to let that happen again. After 3 more guys made attempts to bridge and join the guy off the front, me and about 3 other guys pretty much did a bulk of the work too bring the race back together. Once that happened I was pretty cooked and decided to sit in for a bit and recover. Thats when another attack happened. Unfortunately NO ONE responded. (this is why you need teammates) Now there were 4 guys off the front and soon they were out of sight. DAMN!!!

With 10 laps to go, I was hoping the group would finally pick up the pace and we could try and get these guys back but to no avail. With 5 laps to go it was all about setting up for the final lap....even if it was for 6th place. With that said, 2 more guys bolted and being blocked I couldn't follow and no one else bothered. God I hate racing sometimes but there was some good blocking going on. Now heading into the final lap there was still some type of pride still on the line and that is what I was left racing for. Unfortunately the group bunched in the last 2 turns and I had to touch brakes a few times but bounced to the inside and got to the finish in 9th place. Probably the most dissatisfying top 10 I have ever netted.

So with the race now over, I should just go take a nice warm down ride and go home right? Normally that would be the correct answer but I am not normal and like I said I was not satisfied. So to punish myself for the 9th place finish, I took a 5 minute break and got back on the line for the next race...the CAT 3. F*&k it I thought....I'll use it as a workout.

The original plan was to try and hang for 20 of the 40 laps...that would be a good workout. After 5 laps in, I thought there was no way I could do the aforementioned 20 laps. At 10 laps I convinced myself that I could do the next 10. With 17 completed there was a surge and that was almost the end of me but I hung on. Then I saw it, the 20 lap count had been achieved. Pull off and go home...good workout right? Yeah..but that didn't happen.

So I convinced myself to do 5 more, just to see how I felt. When I got those 5 laps in, I decided I could do 5 more. Now there were 10 laps to go and NO ONE was running away with this race. The pace was high and pack was moving but I was still there. So I said to myself "Self, at 5 laps to go I will pull off, by then it will get fast and I will pop". I truly said it to myself, but it didn't happen. With 5 to go I was still there and I was moving up. In a starting field of 80 I was now sitting in the top 25. The I told myself, I would go till 1 lap to go, then just cruise the last lap. Good idea...but didn't happen. Now with 3 laps to go, my balls started growing. I have a shot in this freakin' race. I'm going to go for it! Then it was 2 laps to go. There was a surge and I stood on the pedals and there was a cramp! Uh oh...better ease off a bit. As we entered the bell lap, the pack surged again and again I was out of the saddle and now there were 2 cramps. 1 for each quad. As we hit turns 3 and 4 I was about to just sit up since I was boxed in. Then a lane opened up and I shot thru and the cramps shot thru my legs again. Coming out of turn 4 I wasn't in bad position but I couldn't contest the sprint and finished out 22nd.

Oh well...considering I just did 76 laps with virtually no rest in 2 consecutive races, I will take it. And it was a really good work out!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


3 times I wrote it because that is how many flats I got yesterday at the Dunnigan Hills Road Race.

Flat #1...10 minutes before the start of the cat3 race. Luckily I brought a spare set of wheels for the follow vehicle. I stayed calm, changed the front wheel, fixed the flat and got to the line.

Flat #2....10 miles into the race cruising along in the top 20 or so and feeling good. As we make a turn, poof. Flat #2. This just happens to be the rear wheel. Instinctively I raise my hand high, riders go around and the wheel truck pulls up. But not quite close enough. I need to run back 30 yards to her. I grab my rear wheel and make the change. As I look up the road, the race is going away but a bit of luck. A guy named Mike, who wants to race for the Mouse next year pulls off and comes back to try and help me get back into the race. Sweet! We hammer and can still see the bunch when all of a sudden the wheel truck pulls in front of us. SWEET! She is going to let us draft up and get back into the race. Not quite. She dangles 30 meters ahead of us never letting us draft and after a mile of this tease, she takes off...DAMN!!! Basically race is over. My future teammate and I continue taking pulls but its an exercise in futility. At least it will be a good workout. Then we come across another rider who tells us the group is going slow and we can catch. All of sudden its 3 of us taking pulls and trying to pull ourselves back into the race. We paceline and bust our ass for 10 miles. Then the 3rd guy says they are only 5 minutes up the road. 5 MINUTES!!! What is this guy smokin'!!! We are not getting back into this race. I decide to save some for the Suisun crit tomorrow and sit up but my future teammate Mike had already given up the chase and is no longer around. Lonely now I soft pedal till Mike and the 30+ race catch us. We jump in and draft off of them to the start area. race over.

Flat #3...Now back at the car I decide to ride the 3 miles to the finish and watch. Just as I get there a group is sprinting for the finish when all of a sudden there is a loud POP and riders go down. In what I can only describe as a SPECTACULAR CRASH 3 guys go down just before the line with 1 guy flying upside down and backwards crashing into a Velo Promo road sign and crossing the line. HOLY CRAP!!! THAT WAS AWESOME!!! (hope that dude was ok) With that, I figure I have seen enough and start heading back to the car when flat# 3 happens. DAMN!!! I now race back to the car as the front wheel continues to lose air and get there just as the tire goes completely flat.

My day sucked but after seeing that could have been worse.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Same to You!

So my best friend Kevin from Phoenix, AZ came to town this past weekend and instead of racing, I decided to take him on some rides and show him what cycling in SF is all about. No flat windy desert like conditions here. No 5am wake up calls just to get a ride in before it hits 100 degrees. And NO kids or wife to have to race home was like a bad "Flomax" commercial but we looked WAY better on our bikes and at NO TIME did we take the yellow miata for a drive...THAT would have been gay!

Friday I took him up Ol La Honda and down Skyline. Saturday saw us start with the Roasters Ride but peel off, stopping at the Java Slut (mmmmm hot girls serving coffee...and I don't drink coffee) and then Alpine DAMN! Then Sunday, since he could barely make it up and down the stairs of my apt, it was an easy Paradise Loop. Did I mention Kevin is quite the Mr. Cranky Pants? And this weekend they were hiked up to his nipples after each ride.

All in all a great weekend of riding and Kev was hooked. Considering he has not been riding much since getting over his back injury, he did fine......BUT he has vowed to come back in shape to kick my ass up the climbs. All I can say is BRING IT!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And All I Got was this T-Shirt!

After the Masters Road Race yesterday, today was just what this racing brain needed. A fast and flat crit at elevation. Actually while warming up I was a bit concerned since the legs didn't feel all that good. A combination no doubt of the race the day before and the location. But my start time was 10am and I made sure I got there in plenty of time to stretch and try to be prepared to race.

The competition would be stiff....its the Masters Championship so up to the line roll 5 or 6 Safeway guys (strongest masters team in the country along with the AMD squad) Morgan Stanley's 4 or 5 guys and a host of other cat1's and 2's, most I have never seen or raced against before. But screw it...if I get rolled up and smoked, so be it.

The race gets underway and after a "ceremonial" first lap the attacks start and the pace is pumping. Surprisingly the legs are starting to come around, now I just need the lungs to do the same. It was a fast course with good pavement and 6 turns including a chicane. As the race went along, I found myself just holding on to the back of the group. Attack after attack would go off and a group of 5 or 6 got up the road and looked like they would stay away. About 7 laps later the break blew up and the grouppo was once again compacto.

I was now starting to feel pretty good about the race though I could see I was sitting about 30th with the race strung out in a long line. With 10 laps to go, Safeway and Owens Health Care kept launching trying to break things up but I was able to read the race very well and was on all the accelerations before they happened. With 5 to go, the break attempts we being made fast and furious and never stuck. Then with 2 laps to go a huge move came but within the 1 lap to go card, everything was back together and then the race for the line was on. As we came out of turn 2 and screamed down the back straight I knew this was important so I moved my way up into the top 20. Now I as thinking, do I contest the sprint or just be happy with the effort considering these are some of the fastest Masters riders anywhere.

Just as I started to dive into turn 5 in about 15th place "BAM!!!" a tire explodes in front of me and just like that the Safeway lead out of the race is down. So is his teammate and now everyone is trying to avoid the carnage since it happened in the chicane just 150m before the finish line. As I avoided the crash, I tried to jump but having to slow down so much, I was in too big a gear. I managed to get my ass moving forward again and dashed to the line catching 2 more guys and grabbing 10th place!

DAMN!!! 10th in the Masters Championship criterium....I will take it!

Especially since according to Steven from CRC Hill I looked like I was just chilling at the back of the group...little does he know I was hanging on for dear life in a race that averaged 26.7mph.

And thanks to the CRC Hill team of Emily, Virginia, Bridgette, Steven, and EMC's Russ and Annie for letting me crash in the condo Saturday night. A very cool bunch of people.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Joys of Altitude

Not really...but I digress. Its time for BIKE RACING! This weekend was the Masters District Road Championships and SADLY, I am a Masters racer. I just don't realize it until I get to the part of the application which asks for your age and then it hits me that I am old. So I loaded up the Fuzzyduds, the car and the bike and off to south of South Lake Tahoe we went!

Other people who don't realize they are old either are the guys I raced against this weekend. To add to the pain of racing at altitude for the first time is racing with CAT 1 and 2 guys plus 3's that are good road racer...of which I am not. The course was a relatively flat one with about 900ft of climbing per lap but with the elevation, recovery was a bitch. Again, as is the case this season with me and road races this season, I found myself off the back in the first of 5 11 mile laps. Just as I bridged up and caught the group, they accelerated again and BAM I was in no mans land. Riders behind me and riders ahead but I was out there alone. That was the case for the entire 2nd lap until I finally slowed to let 3 guys catch me so I had people to race with. Unfortunately, they were not interested in trying to catch people and the race turned into a hard ride. I dropped them each time up the 2 climbs and waited so we could paceline the rest of the loop. The final time around we dropped one of the guys for good on the climbs and started pacelining to the finish. With 3k to go, I noticed they weren't pulling thru anymore and so I knew we would do a sprint. Smuggly I was fairly confident and kept leading our little trio. With 1k to go I kept upping the tempo and they sat waiting to pounce. Then with about 400m to go they went around me and I waited...400m is too far from the line. With 200m I got up and shot past them both with enough time to sit up and zip up my jersey for the photo op and soak up the adulation of the crowd that comes with a 28th place finish in the middle of nowhere.

Better luck at the crit tomorrow!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Track Night

Photo by Larry Rosa Photography from

Yep, FINALLY made it down to Hellyer to do some track racing and man is that tough. I had done some of the practice sessions but the racing is way tougher. And since I haven't gotten on my track bike since, oh I don't know, January I was a bit unprepared. But it turned out to be a great workout. And racing with teammates sFed, Chris and Nole made it fun.

First up was the points race where every 3 laps of the 15 lap race, there was a sprint and you get points. As I found out very quickly, I was severly undergeared. On a track bike you have only 1 gear so if its too small, you end up like me...spinning like a top but not getting anywhere fast.

Next was the scratch race and scratch is what I did...I scratched myself as I watched the race go away from me. Finally the miss and out race and for some reason I fared much better. But again, when the move came for me to make sure I stayed in the race I was just short, though I was in the top 6 or 7.

For the first night of track racing, it was a great experience, workout and its addicting. Chris rode like a seasoned vet, sFed is a seasoned vet and Nole like me is learning but rode well. We all will return so look out BITCHES!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sometimes it pays NOT to be a climber

A sobering Roasters Ride today. Everything was going very nicely on the ride. As the group crested the top of the climb on Nicasio Valley Road a blue honda came up and decided that our descending speed of 40mph was not quite over the speed limit enough. It was then he moved over the double yellow line, coming around a blind turn to see a motorcycle coming in the opposite direction.

With cyclists on his right he drove left but before he could get on to the dirt he clipped the motorcyclist on the leg and sent him flying in the air. The rider lay motionless as we all came to a stop to assist and the car went off the road down an embankment about 15ft down.

A few cyclists, with medical training assisted the motorcyclist and we called 911. The driver of the car was obviously shaken but seemed unhurt but I was surprise when I heard him say "I'm not even drunk" as to lead me to believe he was drinking. Or that he usually drives drunk and hadn't killed anyone yet. Lucky us.

Anyhow, the motorcyclist was awake and alert but broken up pretty bad.The police and paramedics arrived and sent us on our way.

Being at the back of the group on the climb, I was lucky and didn't see it happen. But I know Darren said he saw it all happen in front of him and I only hope its an image that won't haunt him for too long. After seeing that, it makes it even more imperative as cyclists that we need to really watch out for each other and call out traffic coming up from behind even more than we already do. As you can see it only takes 1 idiot to ruin your otherwise nice life. Be safe out there.

btw...thats Darren. He hit a tree on his mountain bike and gave himself a black eye....what a tool.

My Tour de France TV Appearance

Yep...line up and I will sign whatever you want. Hands to kiss and babies to shake.

If you saw Wednesday July 18th TdF coverage on Versus, they did a feature on Saul Raisin, the American Pro rider who suffered a life threatening crash last year in a race in Europe. He rode every stage of this years Tour of California and I was lucky enough to ride stage 1 with him from Sausalito to Santa Rosa. It was an incredible ride and he's an incredible kid.

And me? Well... I'm just incredible!!!! and with 1:40 left you will see me riding with Saul.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Brooklyn Grand Prix

Well...its not exactly a "Grand Prix"...its more of a circuit race in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Basically my favorite course in NYC. Today was my first real race test even though I did race at FBF on Tuesday. I have been barely riding as my skin is still slowly regenerating to cover the remnants of last Saturday's fiasco.

And as with all these "park circuit" races, start time is 6:40am...UGH!

But there I was and no matter how I plan, I can never get there, sign in and do the mandatory bathroom stops with enough time to warm up so yet again, I used the first 2-3 laps of the race to warm up. Today I decided to do the Masters 1,2,3 race.

The race started off pretty easy which was good because like I said, I needed to warm up so the pace was perfect. The course itself has about a 1/2 mile climb but its a big ring climb so I really wouldn't call it a climb, especially since I can usually get up it without a problem. Plus it is also not enough to cause any significant splits. The race was also dominated by 2 teams, Deno's Wonder Wheel which showed up with 9 guys....yeah 9 GUYS! and Global Locate which had 6 guys. both very strong Masters teams. Global had one guy who I knew would be strong and Deno's had 2 but its tough to keep an eye on guys when they all freakin' look a like...NO NOT LIKE THAT!

Anyhow, the race goes along with Deno's and other riders trying to start breaks and I decided since these teams have numbers it will be up to them to chase. I ain't doin' shiite! With 6 laps to go, they rang for a preem which I found interesting for a 3.2 circuit but it spurred the race to life. Then with 4 laps to go, they did it again and I kept my eye on the strong guys but as we crossed the line for the preem and everyone sat up, 2 guys got up the road and one of them was the guy from Global...DAMN! Good job Rick, you let your marked guy go.

The only thing was that the team with 9 guys, Deno's, didn't send anyone with them. Now it was 2 guys off the front and they quickly got 30 seconds. With 2 laps to go, i started looking around and saw no one organizing a chase. That's when I said, "hey Deno's...what the F! you've got the numbers, its your job, bring them back". And I didn't even curse, I said the letter F.

About 1 minute later boom, there they were, 5 Deno's guys leading the charge to catch the break and I was along for the ride. At the bell lap, it was down to 15 seconds as we went up the climb the last time and the chase was on. But then along the back of the course it stalled and slowed down and I started thinking this is too slow. The pace picked up again and we hit the last mile with the break within sight. Thats when all the teams started trying to set up their sprinters and I was following wheels. I kept staying wide, avoiding the cones and mayhem. Hitting the last 400m, I was feeling really good and decided that the jitters were still there and I would try and stay out of trouble but I kept pedalling hitting the last 200 meters in good position. Amazingly, without really sprinting I nabbed a top 10. But the Global guy in the break, won the race. He got in just as we swept to the line...BUT

I'm Back! F the jitters!!!

Now back to SF for some Crit racing!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The First Race after "The Crash"

So after getting my bike repair by my former team shop "Strictly Bicycles" Ft. Lee, NJ, I decided NO time like the present to race again.

The race...Floyd Bennett Field Tuesday Night series. A CAT3/4 race on a flat, windy and rough course but should be a good test to get over the "jitters". To say I was tentative is an understatement. As the race started I immediately found myself at the back but quickly shot to the front refusing to be "nervous" but by the end of lap number 2 I was seriously looking for a way out. I felt terrible, my legs felt crappy, my road rash was burning and I was out of sorts. But then I thought....No WAY! I AM NOT QUITTING!

Then lap 5 the same thoughts crept back but I again pushed them away and stayed with the race and followed the moves. Since this is a series with a Jersey leader, it was easy to know where I wanted to be and I stayed glued as best I could to the series leader, a big rider from Deno's Wonder Wheel team that had 7 guys in the race. Again, as I have said before, the team racing in NYC is really good. They really work well, work the race and try and control.

With a seriously nasty wind, there would be no breaks because it was one of those winds that makes everyone hide. I too stayed hidden as best I could while scoping out where I wanted to be in the last lap. As we hit the last lap, doubt and nervousness reared its ugly head again and I said "Fuck you" and punched it in the face and then joined the surge. We went screaming down the back of the course and turned into the wind. That's when the teams took over trying to set up their sprinters. This is where the race gets dicey and I made sure to stay wide of the turn with 1000 meters to go. As I grabbed the wheel of the series leader, I got blocked by one of this teammates and just like that...BOOM! into the swamp weeds! F*&K!!!!!

I stayed calm and pedalled and made my way out of the swamp weeds but by then, the front of the race had started the sprint and I was dealing with a derailer that was making out with a tree branch. As I clicked up and down, the crap got dislodged and I managed a 12th place, stayed upright and finished. Just doing that felt like a victory.

As the saying goes "its like riding a bike"....yeah well who ever said that is a douche who never crashed at 30+mph in a race.

Oh the HILARITY!!! here are the pics from my crash that up until now I have been unable to post...enjoy!


Music Cue: The sad piano Walking Away Incredible Hulk Music. "UGH....everyone down there is watching me walk to the finish". ( 90 seconds, the wheel in my hand will explode causing EVERYONE to spin around and look at the pathetic mess walking towards them)

This is the wheel that ended up in the lake down the hill on the right. If you click on the can see the seaweed and water on the rim.

Back from NY!

And this is what I come home to....UGH!

Mental note to self..."throw away EVERYTHING if you are going to be away for more than a week"

Race report from Saturday is on the way!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Funniest Crash.....EVER!!!

Ok, so NOTHING was funny about my latest race crash. First off it is only the 2nd time I have ever crashed in a race and the first was 2 weeks ago in Burlingame.

Needless to say, I am on the East Coast doing the Job Search thing snd brought my bike to do some racing. Last year when I did this I had great results and really enjoyed myself. This year...not so much.

I bypassed a July 4th crit in NJ to hang with family and enjoy the holiday so my first race was the Farmers Market Alliance race in Branchbrook Park in NJ. A fine fast and flat course with a 180 Fremont style turn on a nearly 4 mile stuff right? Yeah thats what I thought too. But the day started a little hectic. 4:30am wake up for a 6:30am start and I got lost so I jumped from the car at 6:15, dumped, checked in, dumped again and got on the bike and rolled up to the line and we were off. Yes I used the bathroom as my warm up.

Without knowing the competition I knew I needed to sit in to warm up so after the first lap I jumped into a break. Not smart. They got pissed but I couldn't help it...I couldn't get my heartrate up so I did no work and we were absorbed a lap later. Needless to say, from there I just sat in for the next 25 minutes warming up.

As the race went on, breaks tried to go and they were caught and everytime thru the 180I found myself near the front staying out of trouble and because the 180 is at the top of what they call a climb. (Now I'm a climbing snob) With 2 to go, a break of 5 gets up the road but only about 10 seconds and no real worry but it seemed we had trouble pulling them back. entering the last "climb" to the 180 I got to the front of the chase and whipped around the 180 and started motoring. Then I pulled off and NO ONE PULLED THRU. I thought..."F this, I am not leading the pack to the break" and I literally sat up. FINALLY someone pulled thru and the pace was up again but this was what the break needed. Now it was a setting up for the sprint and 3 of the 5 were fading fast and then the snapping of mousetraps happened.

As I started my sprint I looked left to bounce out of the pack when for some reason that only the ALMIGHTY LORD and SAVIOR himself knows for sure some F&%King IDIOT hits his brakes. Yeah 300 meters from the line, DURING THE SPRINT, this ASSHAT hits his brakes and I am on his wheel. That is when my race went to complete shit!!!

That is when I decided that the road in Branchbrook State Park in NJ needed repaving and I would use my leg and ass to do. I landed first sharply on my elbow and bounced to my left sliding in my "Ray Storm edition" skin suit to an undesirable DNF! As I slid, I grabbed my head to protect myself from anyone flipping over me and after 1 rider did I looked up to see a glorious sight.

It was the image that will stay burned in my mind for the entirety of my life. A sight I never thought I would see...cast your mind and picture this:

The sight of a bicycle wheel, MY BICYCLE WHEEL bouncing 20 feet in the air and then continuing down a grass knoll into a lake coming to rest 10 feet off shore...just floating there like a lone cheerio in a huge bowl of milk.

When my body finally came to a halt, that is where my profanity induced tirade took over and I desperately hoped that the guy who caused this was around but that wasn't the case. Instead teammates of the guy who flew over me came over to make sure we were ok and then they helped me fish my wheel out of the water. After picking up my bike, the piece of fork that was now detached and my front wheel, I walked slowly to the finish line with racers and officials watching. Then to add insult to injury as if on front wheel exploded. NICE!

That's what I call bike racing.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

No Podium Again!!!

There they were...just staring at me..taunting me. Saying "c'mon...stand on us. WE DARE YOU".

Its not like I didn't make a valiant effort but alas, it was not to be. I mean I have stood on them before and its very cool. But for some reason, this season they have escaped me. OH YOU CURSED STEPS!!! It could be all the climbing and non sprinting I have incorporated into my training. Maybe its the competition, tougher this year than last. Maybe its the stress of the job hunt. Or maybe just maybe I BLOW!

The race was the Celebrate Fremont Criterium. Complete with its 180 degree U-Turn 100 meters past the start/finish line and those steps. When I saw the steps before the race started I knew that was going to be my inspiration.

Unfortunately I wasn't feeling all that fresh and I didn't have a lot of confidence going in. I did try though. I also did something I have never done before in a race. I actually got into a break that stayed away for 3 laps (usually they sit up within a lap) and I got my first ever preem. Normally I NEVER contest the preems because I am too focused on the overall, but today I kind said screw it. It was cool and I almost made it 2 in a row but just got nipped by one of my break companions.

So all in all, I would grade this race a strong B. And considering my strained hamstring maybe I should bump it up to a B+. Can you believe I strained my hamstring doing manual labor? What kind of wuss am I that I do a little hard work and I strain a hamstring?!?!

You know what...maybe I was right earlier...maybe I BLOW!

Now its off to NYC to do some East Coast racing!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Me No Likey Manual Labor if you don't already know....I am currently out of a job. Working in radio tends to be this way unfortunately and even though I am still living off of my payout, after not working really since September, I decided that maybe I should do something...ANYTHING!

With that I have taken to helping out Mtn Bike Racer/Contractor Ray Storm. As you can see...manual labor and I just DO NOT get along.

During these past few days I have had time to contemplate my life and discovered that there are 2 things I can do with my mouth really well and 1 of them is my chosen profession...RADIO!

Tomorrow its the Celebrate Fremont crit...lets see if my back recovers enough to do well.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Burlingame Criterium

My favorite race of the year...The Burlingame Crit. Why? I guess because this was the first race I ever did when I moved out here to SF 2 years ago and I use it as motivation and a way to gauge how I have improved as a bike racer. After getting completely "smoked" in 2005 (I think I actually went backwards in the sprint) I double podiumed in 2006 (5th in CAT4/ 4th 35+4/5) and this year I was looking not only for a podium but for my first ever elusive win.

This year was a bit different though in my leadup. I got sick and was Nyquil-man all week trying to shake this cold and then I decided to race in Stockton the day before..(8th place CAT3...hacking and coughing). But I woke up today and felt better and thought this is it.

Burlingame is always so well done....great setup, fun course, good crowds and the huge banner across the start/finish line. Race goes off a bit odd as the guy giving instructions all of a sudden says go! No 30 sec countdown, nothing. He was talking and then said GO! I along with many others weren't even clipped in. Oh problem and we are off. Early on, I thought " don't feel so good". Just kind of felt weird. But as the race went on I started to feel better. Could have been the 2 bottles of cough medicine I downed the day before to try and get rid of this cough. Is that doping? Or just stupid?

It always amazes me some of the sketchy riding I see in races...its almost like the IQ level of some just drops to Corky level when they are in a race. Today was no different. On one part of the course there is always a bit of a slowdown/bunch up and it was definitely cause for concern but I decided that to combat this, just stay all the way inside or go wide outside and thus eliminate the problem.

As the race goes along a few try to escape and one rider actually got away for 3 laps but as usual they are always pulled back and this was no different. The pace stayed pretty high and I was rolling along forgetting how crappy I felt earlier and now started thinking that today could be going better than I thought.

Then with 5 laps to things started really heating up. More break attempts and the pace is now moving with the pack seemingly strung way out. As we hit the 3 laps to go mark, I was right where I wanted to be, sitting in the top 20 and away from the craziness of the mid-pack. As we flew threw the S turn I was feeling good and had a few guys marked and I was on their wheel. As we came to the slowdown/bunch up area I did not like what I was seeing. A lot of guys not pedaling and the inevitable bunching happened and I was not in or outside but dead center. Not good. Here is the insane part...even though we had been through that wide turn 20 times, guys still freaked the F out. They went Corky and I got F*&k'ed! 2 guys hit their brakes and got into each other right in front of me.

In my 2 plus years of racing and doing a ton of crits, I have managed to avoid all crashes. I've skidded sideways, bounced off guys and had to duck as bikes have flown over my head. Even last year at Burlingame, some guy got into me in the sprint and I still managed to pedal him off my leg and get 5th. All that good luck ended yesterday. Just as i thought I would be able to escape the carnage, the leg of one of the fallen swings out and next thing I know I am on the ground...F*&k!!!!!

And that was it...CRASH! My first reaction was "why couldn't his have been a few laps earlier!" so I could have gotten the free lap and got back in the race. But then I thought...well I'm ok. Amazingly no cuts, no road rash...nothing. My bike...or should I say front wheel not ok. A complete rupture.

Oh there ends the 2007 Burlingame Crit for win, no points, no podium, no glory for the Mouse. BUT...I did get my first ever RACE CRASH! Thats bike racing.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Biggest Little City in the World!

After getting scortched in the sprint with horrendous positioning at the Sierra Nevada/Specialized Crit in Folsom, CA earlier in the day, some friends convinced me to come to Reno and watch how the pros do it at the Tour de Nez. Never having been to Reno before, I thought this was a great excuse to see a city I would never have gone to anyway. So with my foul smelling skin suit, I threw the bike back on the car and was off to the "Biggest Little City in the World"!!!

As I motored down the 80, I was befallen by a spectacle that is truly American Made...Cheesy Looking Casino hotels rising from the earth....ahhh! I love this country! I quickly made my way to my spacious and luxurious accomodations at the Rodeway Inn at 2050 Market St with no casino, no restaurant and no pool but a lovely continental breakfast and located right next to a Dodge dealer. For $60, I wasn't expecting much.

After dumping my stuff I quickly made my way over to the race course and man it was like a different world. Little redneck locals swimming in the "wild river", shirtless dentally challenged men swigging god knows what intermingling with the obvious outsiders knows as cyclists. Toned and fit men and women in tight lycra or in relaxed hip cycling clothes sipping out of waterbottles. A true culture clash.

The Pro race had just started and with the tough course and the ever increasing wind, it was going to be an interesting race. I met up with my friend Todd, his wife and teammates from the Owens Healthcare team and watched as the pro racers came blowing by the start/finish line in a long line of 40+mph. After that, i decided to walk the course and try and find Larry from my team who was also in town taking pics of the race.

As you can see...I found him. And he found me.

The race was sick with only a handful of guys actually finishing. Afterwards I was on my own...walking the streets of Reno thinking "wow...I will probably never come back here" I should take a picture of the sign. Back at my 2 star accomodations at the Rodeway Inn at 2050 Market St, I looked back on my day and said to myself..."self, I'm tired" and I was quickly off to sleep.

Reno, was it all just a dream? Sadly no.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Modesto Criterium

If there is one advantage to racing in the Central Valley its the weather. Sunny, warm and less than 2 hrs drive time. Oh and Vanilla Ice was playing there later in the week...YEAH!!!! ICE ICE BABY!!!

The race was in downtown Modesto and very similar course to Santa Rosa. A 6 turn crit but lots of bot dots and some crappy pavement. We are off and though the first lap was controlled it was going to be a fast race. As the only Mouse out there, I knew it would be tough with teams launching attacks but there was always someone willing to drive the pace to pull it all back.

As the race went on, I found the guy who won Burlingame last year (this kid is 16...UGH! I hate him) and knew he and his team would be good to follow. With about 8 laps to go a group of 12 went off the front and looked promising and with no
one willing to pull it back, I make my jump to try and bridge but just as I got to them, they all sat up....damn!

Now everyone was setting up for the sprint and the Easton team looked good. With 3 to go they were all together and I was on them tight. With 2 to go, the usual exceleration came and things got strung out. As we hit the bell lap Easton had a great set up. 3 guys and their sprinter as the fourth and it was my wheel!

As we came down the back I slipped off the wheel but fought my way back on in great position. As we hit turn 5 I made my mistake. Coming in a bit too hot on the turn, hit some dots and I was forced to go wide. As soon as I did I lost the wheel and 4 guys slipped into my space...DAMN!

I quickly recoved to get back in line but it was too late as we hit the last turn with 100 meters to go. Final finish 9th.

A good race but to have that mistake back...oh well. I'll have to wait to get my first CAT 3 points.

Now its off to Panoche Pass RR...don't ask. It didn't go well for me. To be sucked. I hate climbers road races!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Golden State Criterium

Last Sunday...ahh it seems so long ago.

I have never been to Rancho Cordova before...uh, yeah nice place. Whatever, Its ALL ABOUT RACING!

Darren and I are the only Mice on hand this day. We make our way out to do this crit and what a fine crit it was. Complete with 5 turns, finely paved roads and great weather.

We sign up and get on the line and then we are off for 50 min of racing. After last weeks brain fart I was looking for some redemption Right off the bat, I notice that Team Spine is here in force and throughout the race they showed it. I also noticed a few other guys who I know are fast and strong. 1 guy in particular (Team Clover) won the first 2 preems and I think that really affected how some of us raced. Basically after the 2nd preem, he was marked. I for one never let him get too far off the front without responding.

During all this, Team Spine was launching attack after attack and the pace stayed pretty high. Meanwhile Darren and I exchanged pleasantries and made sure to find each other with 5 laps to go. With about 6 laps to go, a break of about 10 guys got up the road and it looked dangerous. After I chased (and brought the field with me..dope) the break kind of sat up with no one willing to put in the effort. Then I found Darren and we were good.

Again, a few Spine led attacks kept happening that kept the field on thier toes but nothing too dangerous. Then with 1 to go I found Darrens wheel and we hit the 2nd and 3rd turns. Needing to let him know I was there but without announcing it to the field, I let out a "hold your line" and D Leva knew I was on him. He pulled me up near the top ten when out for the left I saw an attack and moved to cover with a few others. As we hit the last 2 turns, the pace was hot and we screamed thru the last few turns before the sprint for the line. As I came around the last turn in about 10th I found myself blocked in and shot to
the right. Then motored to the finish catching 3 other guys and we hit the line. 5th thru 8th all hit the line at the same time but I ended up getting the short end of the call finishing 8th.

But I will take first single digit finish in a CAT 3 race but sadly no points and payout was only for top 6. Oh well...better luck next week. It was also the first race D Leva and I did together as 3's and it was awesome having a teammate to race with. Thanks for the help!

btw...a Team Spine rider won the race....a great display of team work and I hate them.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The I'M AN IDIOT Race Report!

I raced so stupidly even a CAVEMAN could have beaten me.

Santa Rosa Cloiterium. 60 minutes of racing in downtown Santa Rosa...not your normal 4 corner crit and I did well here last year so I was looking forward to this race.

Nearly full field and we are off. Right away I saw a bunch of guys I have been beaten by and I have beaten so I know where I am but this is a big fast field. This usual happens for the first half of the race. Preems et. Break attempts, pulled get the idea.

Then they announce 10 to go. I'm feeling good...not great but good. The pace has been fast the whole race and it continues. We get to 7 to go and the field is 8 wide on the start/finish stretch and just like that a crash to the problem though... not even near me.

5 laps to go and i find my markers and we are all where we should be in the top 20 as everyone is jockeying for and to keep their position. This is where it all starts to go bad. Coming around the s/f line i get squeezed against the cone and problem...get thru it but this is where I lost this race. Coming around again and the pace is humming and I
want to make sure i don't get squeezed again and I don' But now as we come around again...I don't see any lap cards and by my count its 3 to go.

As we come off the final turn to the s/f line the bunch goes but I don't respond. Why? Because its now 2 to go...right? I get out of the saddle just to get some speed and now it is really fast. Figuring it will slow as usual on the back and we set up to come to 1 to go...there is no slow down.

OH F*#K!!!!! It was at this precise moment that I realize my race is over. Yep...I missed the acceleration, got caught in the back and that was it. How could I be sooooo stoooopid! (it not a question, thats why no question was a statement of

What compounded my mistake was no bell and no lap card that I could see but to be honest, I think if i would have seen the lap card it still would have been too late because as i know too well, there is ALWAYS an acceleration coming out of the last turn in the s/f line for position. AND I MISSED IT!

So take a lesson from me your veggies, get your rest and don't be an IDIOT!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Menlo Park Criterium

Ah the cozy confines of an office park crit...always good for some type of obstacle. In this particular one, the Tractor Trailer parked between turns 3 and 4 was our nemesis.

I was super nervous since I have not really done a race since September and have not done any real intensity or sprint work but I figured this would be a good way to get my feet wet again and see where I am at. Plus since it was a 3/4 35+ race, it would be a bit less crazy. It proved a good first test.

As usual I started in the back because I like to do circles while i wait for the race to start. But there were plenty of laps to move up. After 3 laps ˆ decided it was time to do just that. I moved up and stayed near the front of the 95+ size field. I also
identified a few guys and teams to watch and it paid off. Most of the race was typical, an early crash, no breaks getting away and a bunch of flats. With 5 laps to go thats when it starts to get interesting and this was when I really focused on who to follow. With 2 to go, I was sitting top 15 and just paying attention.

Coming to the bell lap it got a bit strung out which was good to prevent bunching and a crash. As we hit the back straight I was feeling really good but was looking for a wheel to follow. Then off the front a Metromint guy shot. A bit early I thought and so did everyone else because no one gave chase and he had a good lead by turn 3 & 4. This proved critical because
if you remember the tractor trailer...well everyone did and that meant the speed going into that turn 3 was slower than last year giving the Metromint guy all he needed to hold off the bunch in the LONG straightaway sprint to the finish.

In the end it was a clean race, a good work out and I snagged 10th. Either way its a top 10 and just like that, I'm racing again!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tour of California Stage 2 start

So i didn't quite get my fill of the whole ToC thing during Monday's ride...I woke up early and drove to Santa Rosa to check out the start of Stage 2 and of course brought my camera.