Monday, October 29, 2007

The Rick Delgado 1st Annual Memorial Ride

Well it was a lovely Sunday morning for the 1st annual Rick Delgado Memorial Ride and Java Slut Stop.

On hand were DP, James, Ray, Me (not dead yet) and new guy Liam (who got lost near the bikepath on the easiest part of the ride)...what do you expect? He's Canadian! But I digress.

It all started out lovely with a nice tempo up the climb to Corte Madera and a quick regroup at Twin Cities. Then it was off to the Java Slut because James the Hurricane Rosberg needed his coffee. We rolled to a stop and there was a pretty good crowd there, enjoying the coffee no doubt. We enjoyed our stop while Ray mingled with the Mtn Bikers and I got to meet Otis Guy (Mtn Bike Hall of Famer)

Then we set off for my final trek up Alpine Damn! We had a nice tempo going and I want to thank Ray and James for leading me out to the power climb section before the descent to the Damn! After some guys we passed made a comment of "is that it?" DP and James decided after spotting them a minute it was time to walk them down. They were off pretty quickly while I rode with Ray and Liam. Then I decided I would also chase these guys down and not only were they caught but dropped while in my 19!

We then rode the 7 sisters/bitches and headed down to Mill Valley. Thats when we lost Liam...somewhere. We are still not sure. We doubled back and even split up but never found him. Hope you got back ok dude. Or maybe he got shot into space?

Then it was off thru Sausalito one last time and 1 more time over the GGB. Thats when my good mood was ruined by some old guy in a wheel chair bike thing with 4 wheels, mirrors and a banana seat. (guessing) As I came up along James i yelled to DP to tell this guy he was holding up traffic. Spotting a gap a shot thru. DP says a made a foul remark but I can't recall ; )

Anyhow, thanks to James, DP, Ray and Liam for making it out. It was a fun last team ride...sorry more couldn't make it. If you are ever in NY look me up!

Take Care Mice and Good Luck!

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