Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Here it is...

the photographic evidence of my season ending crash....this is the hospital I was driven to at 100mph by my teammate Ammon who also took these pics. Its not that we were in a rush because of the pain or the crash. He just never drove a bmw before and thought it would be fun to go 100mph with 2 bikes on the back.

This is my dumb ass after learning that the injury wasn't a broken collar bone but actually a separated shoulder...yes I am a tool.

This is the back of said separated shoulder with road rash that has sinced itched like crazy and that "x" like thing on my back is not a supportive man-bra or "bro"/"manzere" (see Seinfeld for reference) but a figure 8 to help keep my shoulder back and somewhat in place.

Finally this is me and my trusty ward Hank! Hank sheppard me home from the hospital and kept it under 80mph....most of the way. He also helped me unload the car, got me upstairs to my apartment and helped me take off my shirt...even though I didn't ask him to. He truly is gentle. And normally I think blondes are shallow. Thanks Hank....or should I call you "Chocolate"?

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