Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Responses from the Mouse..."That Guy Rick"

from William:

Just thought I'd get the ball rolling on what could possibly be a long
list of Rick Delgado moments...

1. Easter Sunday 2007. Rick flips off a bunch of old ladies on the
Golden Gate Bridge and tells them that he hopes they decide to jump
off. Oh and they happened to be protesting some sort of war or

2. Every corner of every crit I've ever raced with Rick.
it was Rick. Perhaps I should have taken his advice. That way I
would have raced more than four times this year.


from Ray Storm:

Or how about that time rick brought over those two tranny hookers and..... oh i guess you guys weren't there.

well how about the time he ruined my skin suit in some stupid crash in ny. ha ha just kidding.

really how about that he is a great friend and i will miss the sorry son of a bitch.

from Motorboat:

Or that time he yelled "Jesus Christ Asshole!" in the middle of the Christian Cyclists Dash For Cash Race...

Hey bro, sorry to hear you have to move back east. It was great to have you on the team, and I think you constantly berating me for not CATing up to 3s really pushed me this season. We will miss all your off colored comments and that distinctive New York edge in your personality. Take care bro.


from Isaias

What about the infamous weekends of Merced racing...we are housed at Casa Lollini and it's the usual cast of characters: Ray, Ben, DP, Chris, Larry, Matt, James, me and of course Rick.

Some how we got to talking about one of Rick's radio shows, I can't really remember what the heck it was about, but what came out of it was a new saying, "do you ever play that game." The beauty of it is that you can bust it out anytime somebody makes some sort of joke or innuendo. It's a classic. None of the one liners are coming to mind right now, but I'm sure this post will stimulate somebody's mind. Oh here we go, "you ever play that game, stimulate somebody's mind." HAH!

Rick, it was nice to meet you and with you. Your quick wit and sarcasam is always a laugh! Good luck in NYC!


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