Thursday, August 23, 2007

How about a lil' Shake & Bake!

That is actually what is written on the back of the bibs of the team the Fighting Boba's. I know this because I got to see it in front of me when I went up to Santa Rosa for the Tuesday Night Crit series.

After Dunnigan Hills on Sat., the Back to back Suisun Crits on Sunday, intervals on Monday...sure why not race on Tuesday? I arrived a bit late and only had about 12 minutes to warm up but you know wouldn't have mattered if I had a massage and a shot of EPO...I was COOKED and as soon as the race started I felt it. My legs felt like 2 empty tree trunks attached to feet. Basically, I had nothing!

This seemed like a repeat of the 2nd Suisun crit where I had to convince myself to hang on in 5 minute increments. Then a group of 3 or 4 got off the front and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. I was too busy trying to draft and telling myself that this was a good workout and I shouldn't be such a puss. BUT I AM A PUSS!!!

By some stroke of luck, I held on until the lap cards came out. I was SOOOOO happy. I was also happy that I managed to stay in the race. Now since the 3 or 4 guys off the front were not going to be caught, I focused on trying to put together a respectable finish. I noticed the Fighting Bobas guys getting together and if no one else goes, I'm sucking their wheels. With 3 laps to go I am ecstatic..ONLY 3 LAPS LEFT! Then with 2 to go the Bobas go to the front and are setting a nice tempo and leadout. I position myself right next to the guy they are setting up for the sprint and heading into turn 2 I take his leadout wheel as he sails wide and barks at me for not letting him take his teammates wheel.

Excuse freakin' me but last I checked, this is a RACE and just because you guys wear the same tights doesn't mean you automatically get the wheel...fight for it Boba. When his teammate looks back and sees me he sits up. So....I sit up. No one came around. Then all of sudden his teammate is back and the leadout is on again...SWEET! I am in perfect position...3rd wheel and we are flying heading into the last turn. Coming out of the turn, lead Boba pulls off and yells "right"! Why did he yell "right" you ask? Because that is where I was pushing him to the left and making him break the cross wind as I wound up my sprint. As we dashed for the finish I quickly pulled even and as we came to the line I did the track throw winning the bunch sprint...That's what I call "Shake & Bake"! What does that do, does that blow your mind? That just happened!" (Ricky Bobby)

I finished 4th or 5th...not really sure since they only count the top 3 places for cash BUT since it was a CAT3/4 race, I finally poke into the top 5 this season. Sure I wasn't first...but then again I wasn't last!

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