Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sometimes it pays NOT to be a climber

A sobering Roasters Ride today. Everything was going very nicely on the ride. As the group crested the top of the climb on Nicasio Valley Road a blue honda came up and decided that our descending speed of 40mph was not quite over the speed limit enough. It was then he moved over the double yellow line, coming around a blind turn to see a motorcycle coming in the opposite direction.

With cyclists on his right he drove left but before he could get on to the dirt he clipped the motorcyclist on the leg and sent him flying in the air. The rider lay motionless as we all came to a stop to assist and the car went off the road down an embankment about 15ft down.

A few cyclists, with medical training assisted the motorcyclist and we called 911. The driver of the car was obviously shaken but seemed unhurt but I was surprise when I heard him say "I'm not even drunk" as to lead me to believe he was drinking. Or that he usually drives drunk and hadn't killed anyone yet. Lucky us.

Anyhow, the motorcyclist was awake and alert but broken up pretty bad.The police and paramedics arrived and sent us on our way.

Being at the back of the group on the climb, I was lucky and didn't see it happen. But I know Darren said he saw it all happen in front of him and I only hope its an image that won't haunt him for too long. After seeing that, it makes it even more imperative as cyclists that we need to really watch out for each other and call out traffic coming up from behind even more than we already do. As you can see it only takes 1 idiot to ruin your otherwise nice life. Be safe out there.

btw...thats Darren. He hit a tree on his mountain bike and gave himself a black eye....what a tool.


velopicante said...

scary story! however, the little evil kneivel photo illustration is hilarious!

ammon said...

Yeah, it was pretty scary. I was there when it happened - heard the crash, looked up, and had to slam on breaks to avoid the glass.

Here's the only news article on the incident. It's rather vage: