Sunday, July 1, 2007

No Podium Again!!!

There they were...just staring at me..taunting me. Saying "c'mon...stand on us. WE DARE YOU".

Its not like I didn't make a valiant effort but alas, it was not to be. I mean I have stood on them before and its very cool. But for some reason, this season they have escaped me. OH YOU CURSED STEPS!!! It could be all the climbing and non sprinting I have incorporated into my training. Maybe its the competition, tougher this year than last. Maybe its the stress of the job hunt. Or maybe just maybe I BLOW!

The race was the Celebrate Fremont Criterium. Complete with its 180 degree U-Turn 100 meters past the start/finish line and those steps. When I saw the steps before the race started I knew that was going to be my inspiration.

Unfortunately I wasn't feeling all that fresh and I didn't have a lot of confidence going in. I did try though. I also did something I have never done before in a race. I actually got into a break that stayed away for 3 laps (usually they sit up within a lap) and I got my first ever preem. Normally I NEVER contest the preems because I am too focused on the overall, but today I kind said screw it. It was cool and I almost made it 2 in a row but just got nipped by one of my break companions.

So all in all, I would grade this race a strong B. And considering my strained hamstring maybe I should bump it up to a B+. Can you believe I strained my hamstring doing manual labor? What kind of wuss am I that I do a little hard work and I strain a hamstring?!?!

You know what...maybe I was right earlier...maybe I BLOW!

Now its off to NYC to do some East Coast racing!

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