Friday, July 20, 2007

Brooklyn Grand Prix

Well...its not exactly a "Grand Prix"...its more of a circuit race in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Basically my favorite course in NYC. Today was my first real race test even though I did race at FBF on Tuesday. I have been barely riding as my skin is still slowly regenerating to cover the remnants of last Saturday's fiasco.

And as with all these "park circuit" races, start time is 6:40am...UGH!

But there I was and no matter how I plan, I can never get there, sign in and do the mandatory bathroom stops with enough time to warm up so yet again, I used the first 2-3 laps of the race to warm up. Today I decided to do the Masters 1,2,3 race.

The race started off pretty easy which was good because like I said, I needed to warm up so the pace was perfect. The course itself has about a 1/2 mile climb but its a big ring climb so I really wouldn't call it a climb, especially since I can usually get up it without a problem. Plus it is also not enough to cause any significant splits. The race was also dominated by 2 teams, Deno's Wonder Wheel which showed up with 9 guys....yeah 9 GUYS! and Global Locate which had 6 guys. both very strong Masters teams. Global had one guy who I knew would be strong and Deno's had 2 but its tough to keep an eye on guys when they all freakin' look a like...NO NOT LIKE THAT!

Anyhow, the race goes along with Deno's and other riders trying to start breaks and I decided since these teams have numbers it will be up to them to chase. I ain't doin' shiite! With 6 laps to go, they rang for a preem which I found interesting for a 3.2 circuit but it spurred the race to life. Then with 4 laps to go, they did it again and I kept my eye on the strong guys but as we crossed the line for the preem and everyone sat up, 2 guys got up the road and one of them was the guy from Global...DAMN! Good job Rick, you let your marked guy go.

The only thing was that the team with 9 guys, Deno's, didn't send anyone with them. Now it was 2 guys off the front and they quickly got 30 seconds. With 2 laps to go, i started looking around and saw no one organizing a chase. That's when I said, "hey Deno's...what the F! you've got the numbers, its your job, bring them back". And I didn't even curse, I said the letter F.

About 1 minute later boom, there they were, 5 Deno's guys leading the charge to catch the break and I was along for the ride. At the bell lap, it was down to 15 seconds as we went up the climb the last time and the chase was on. But then along the back of the course it stalled and slowed down and I started thinking this is too slow. The pace picked up again and we hit the last mile with the break within sight. Thats when all the teams started trying to set up their sprinters and I was following wheels. I kept staying wide, avoiding the cones and mayhem. Hitting the last 400m, I was feeling really good and decided that the jitters were still there and I would try and stay out of trouble but I kept pedalling hitting the last 200 meters in good position. Amazingly, without really sprinting I nabbed a top 10. But the Global guy in the break, won the race. He got in just as we swept to the line...BUT

I'm Back! F the jitters!!!

Now back to SF for some Crit racing!!!!

1 comment:

Jay Parkhill said...

Nice work getting the photos in your posts. And for getting back on the horse.