Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Last Season as a Mouse...Goodbye SF : (

So it is with much regret that I inform the team that I will be leaving the Bay Area in a few weeks time. The job search that I have been on for the past year has turned up nothing in SF and it is now time for me to go.

As some of you know, I lost my fulltime radio job over a year ago and being the state of the business not good, I have had to give up on my desire to stay here. Its too bad...I really have come to love living and riding here and being a Mouse has been awesome. Thanks Larry for recruiting me.

For now it looks like I will be returning to the East Coast (NY) where I will try and regroup and see what is next on my chosen career path or I may exit the radio industry all together and start a new career. Either way, unfortunately I must go.

So I hope to be able to ride with you all at least once more before I pack up and move. Thanks for letting me be part of a great team...GTTM!

Also, I have been getting some really funny responses to my announcement...I will be posting them.

1 comment:

Emily said...

How sad!

Sorry to see you go Rick :-(