Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And All I Got was this T-Shirt!

After the Masters Road Race yesterday, today was just what this racing brain needed. A fast and flat crit at elevation. Actually while warming up I was a bit concerned since the legs didn't feel all that good. A combination no doubt of the race the day before and the location. But my start time was 10am and I made sure I got there in plenty of time to stretch and try to be prepared to race.

The competition would be stiff....its the Masters Championship so up to the line roll 5 or 6 Safeway guys (strongest masters team in the country along with the AMD squad) Morgan Stanley's 4 or 5 guys and a host of other cat1's and 2's, most I have never seen or raced against before. But screw it...if I get rolled up and smoked, so be it.

The race gets underway and after a "ceremonial" first lap the attacks start and the pace is pumping. Surprisingly the legs are starting to come around, now I just need the lungs to do the same. It was a fast course with good pavement and 6 turns including a chicane. As the race went along, I found myself just holding on to the back of the group. Attack after attack would go off and a group of 5 or 6 got up the road and looked like they would stay away. About 7 laps later the break blew up and the grouppo was once again compacto.

I was now starting to feel pretty good about the race though I could see I was sitting about 30th with the race strung out in a long line. With 10 laps to go, Safeway and Owens Health Care kept launching trying to break things up but I was able to read the race very well and was on all the accelerations before they happened. With 5 to go, the break attempts we being made fast and furious and never stuck. Then with 2 laps to go a huge move came but within the 1 lap to go card, everything was back together and then the race for the line was on. As we came out of turn 2 and screamed down the back straight I knew this was important so I moved my way up into the top 20. Now I as thinking, do I contest the sprint or just be happy with the effort considering these are some of the fastest Masters riders anywhere.

Just as I started to dive into turn 5 in about 15th place "BAM!!!" a tire explodes in front of me and just like that the Safeway lead out of the race is down. So is his teammate and now everyone is trying to avoid the carnage since it happened in the chicane just 150m before the finish line. As I avoided the crash, I tried to jump but having to slow down so much, I was in too big a gear. I managed to get my ass moving forward again and dashed to the line catching 2 more guys and grabbing 10th place!

DAMN!!! 10th in the Masters Championship criterium....I will take it!

Especially since according to Steven from CRC Hill I looked like I was just chilling at the back of the group...little does he know I was hanging on for dear life in a race that averaged 26.7mph.

And thanks to the CRC Hill team of Emily, Virginia, Bridgette, Steven, and EMC's Russ and Annie for letting me crash in the condo Saturday night. A very cool bunch of people.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Joys of Altitude

Not really...but I digress. Its time for BIKE RACING! This weekend was the Masters District Road Championships and SADLY, I am a Masters racer. I just don't realize it until I get to the part of the application which asks for your age and then it hits me that I am old. So I loaded up the Fuzzyduds, the car and the bike and off to south of South Lake Tahoe we went!

Other people who don't realize they are old either are the guys I raced against this weekend. To add to the pain of racing at altitude for the first time is racing with CAT 1 and 2 guys plus 3's that are good road racer...of which I am not. The course was a relatively flat one with about 900ft of climbing per lap but with the elevation, recovery was a bitch. Again, as is the case this season with me and road races this season, I found myself off the back in the first of 5 11 mile laps. Just as I bridged up and caught the group, they accelerated again and BAM I was in no mans land. Riders behind me and riders ahead but I was out there alone. That was the case for the entire 2nd lap until I finally slowed to let 3 guys catch me so I had people to race with. Unfortunately, they were not interested in trying to catch people and the race turned into a hard ride. I dropped them each time up the 2 climbs and waited so we could paceline the rest of the loop. The final time around we dropped one of the guys for good on the climbs and started pacelining to the finish. With 3k to go, I noticed they weren't pulling thru anymore and so I knew we would do a sprint. Smuggly I was fairly confident and kept leading our little trio. With 1k to go I kept upping the tempo and they sat waiting to pounce. Then with about 400m to go they went around me and I waited...400m is too far from the line. With 200m I got up and shot past them both with enough time to sit up and zip up my jersey for the photo op and soak up the adulation of the crowd that comes with a 28th place finish in the middle of nowhere.

Better luck at the crit tomorrow!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Track Night

Photo by Larry Rosa Photography from Cyclingnews.com

Yep, FINALLY made it down to Hellyer to do some track racing and man is that tough. I had done some of the practice sessions but the racing is way tougher. And since I haven't gotten on my track bike since, oh I don't know, January I was a bit unprepared. But it turned out to be a great workout. And racing with teammates sFed, Chris and Nole made it fun.

First up was the points race where every 3 laps of the 15 lap race, there was a sprint and you get points. As I found out very quickly, I was severly undergeared. On a track bike you have only 1 gear so if its too small, you end up like me...spinning like a top but not getting anywhere fast.

Next was the scratch race and scratch is what I did...I scratched myself as I watched the race go away from me. Finally the miss and out race and for some reason I fared much better. But again, when the move came for me to make sure I stayed in the race I was just short, though I was in the top 6 or 7.

For the first night of track racing, it was a great experience, workout and its addicting. Chris rode like a seasoned vet, sFed is a seasoned vet and Nole like me is learning but rode well. We all will return so look out BITCHES!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sometimes it pays NOT to be a climber

A sobering Roasters Ride today. Everything was going very nicely on the ride. As the group crested the top of the climb on Nicasio Valley Road a blue honda came up and decided that our descending speed of 40mph was not quite over the speed limit enough. It was then he moved over the double yellow line, coming around a blind turn to see a motorcycle coming in the opposite direction.

With cyclists on his right he drove left but before he could get on to the dirt he clipped the motorcyclist on the leg and sent him flying in the air. The rider lay motionless as we all came to a stop to assist and the car went off the road down an embankment about 15ft down.

A few cyclists, with medical training assisted the motorcyclist and we called 911. The driver of the car was obviously shaken but seemed unhurt but I was surprise when I heard him say "I'm not even drunk" as to lead me to believe he was drinking. Or that he usually drives drunk and hadn't killed anyone yet. Lucky us.

Anyhow, the motorcyclist was awake and alert but broken up pretty bad.The police and paramedics arrived and sent us on our way.

Being at the back of the group on the climb, I was lucky and didn't see it happen. But I know Darren said he saw it all happen in front of him and I only hope its an image that won't haunt him for too long. After seeing that, it makes it even more imperative as cyclists that we need to really watch out for each other and call out traffic coming up from behind even more than we already do. As you can see it only takes 1 idiot to ruin your otherwise nice life. Be safe out there.

btw...thats Darren. He hit a tree on his mountain bike and gave himself a black eye....what a tool.

My Tour de France TV Appearance

Yep...line up and I will sign whatever you want. Hands to kiss and babies to shake.

If you saw Wednesday July 18th TdF coverage on Versus, they did a feature on Saul Raisin, the American Pro rider who suffered a life threatening crash last year in a race in Europe. He rode every stage of this years Tour of California and I was lucky enough to ride stage 1 with him from Sausalito to Santa Rosa. It was an incredible ride and he's an incredible kid.

And me? Well... I'm just incredible!!!!

btw...watch and with 1:40 left you will see me riding with Saul.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Brooklyn Grand Prix

Well...its not exactly a "Grand Prix"...its more of a circuit race in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Basically my favorite course in NYC. Today was my first real race test even though I did race at FBF on Tuesday. I have been barely riding as my skin is still slowly regenerating to cover the remnants of last Saturday's fiasco.

And as with all these "park circuit" races, start time is 6:40am...UGH!

But there I was and no matter how I plan, I can never get there, sign in and do the mandatory bathroom stops with enough time to warm up so yet again, I used the first 2-3 laps of the race to warm up. Today I decided to do the Masters 1,2,3 race.

The race started off pretty easy which was good because like I said, I needed to warm up so the pace was perfect. The course itself has about a 1/2 mile climb but its a big ring climb so I really wouldn't call it a climb, especially since I can usually get up it without a problem. Plus it is also not enough to cause any significant splits. The race was also dominated by 2 teams, Deno's Wonder Wheel which showed up with 9 guys....yeah 9 GUYS! and Global Locate which had 6 guys. both very strong Masters teams. Global had one guy who I knew would be strong and Deno's had 2 but its tough to keep an eye on guys when they all freakin' look a like...NO NOT LIKE THAT!

Anyhow, the race goes along with Deno's and other riders trying to start breaks and I decided since these teams have numbers it will be up to them to chase. I ain't doin' shiite! With 6 laps to go, they rang for a preem which I found interesting for a 3.2 circuit but it spurred the race to life. Then with 4 laps to go, they did it again and I kept my eye on the strong guys but as we crossed the line for the preem and everyone sat up, 2 guys got up the road and one of them was the guy from Global...DAMN! Good job Rick, you let your marked guy go.

The only thing was that the team with 9 guys, Deno's, didn't send anyone with them. Now it was 2 guys off the front and they quickly got 30 seconds. With 2 laps to go, i started looking around and saw no one organizing a chase. That's when I said, "hey Deno's...what the F! you've got the numbers, its your job, bring them back". And I didn't even curse, I said the letter F.

About 1 minute later boom, there they were, 5 Deno's guys leading the charge to catch the break and I was along for the ride. At the bell lap, it was down to 15 seconds as we went up the climb the last time and the chase was on. But then along the back of the course it stalled and slowed down and I started thinking this is too slow. The pace picked up again and we hit the last mile with the break within sight. Thats when all the teams started trying to set up their sprinters and I was following wheels. I kept staying wide, avoiding the cones and mayhem. Hitting the last 400m, I was feeling really good and decided that the jitters were still there and I would try and stay out of trouble but I kept pedalling hitting the last 200 meters in good position. Amazingly, without really sprinting I nabbed a top 10. But the Global guy in the break, won the race. He got in just as we swept to the line...BUT

I'm Back! F the jitters!!!

Now back to SF for some Crit racing!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The First Race after "The Crash"

So after getting my bike repair by my former team shop "Strictly Bicycles" Ft. Lee, NJ, I decided NO time like the present to race again.

The race...Floyd Bennett Field Tuesday Night series. A CAT3/4 race on a flat, windy and rough course but should be a good test to get over the "jitters". To say I was tentative is an understatement. As the race started I immediately found myself at the back but quickly shot to the front refusing to be "nervous" but by the end of lap number 2 I was seriously looking for a way out. I felt terrible, my legs felt crappy, my road rash was burning and I was out of sorts. But then I thought....No WAY! I AM NOT QUITTING!

Then lap 5 the same thoughts crept back but I again pushed them away and stayed with the race and followed the moves. Since this is a series with a Jersey leader, it was easy to know where I wanted to be and I stayed glued as best I could to the series leader, a big rider from Deno's Wonder Wheel team that had 7 guys in the race. Again, as I have said before, the team racing in NYC is really good. They really work well, work the race and try and control.

With a seriously nasty wind, there would be no breaks because it was one of those winds that makes everyone hide. I too stayed hidden as best I could while scoping out where I wanted to be in the last lap. As we hit the last lap, doubt and nervousness reared its ugly head again and I said "Fuck you" and punched it in the face and then joined the surge. We went screaming down the back of the course and turned into the wind. That's when the teams took over trying to set up their sprinters. This is where the race gets dicey and I made sure to stay wide of the turn with 1000 meters to go. As I grabbed the wheel of the series leader, I got blocked by one of this teammates and just like that...BOOM! into the swamp weeds! F*&K!!!!!

I stayed calm and pedalled and made my way out of the swamp weeds but by then, the front of the race had started the sprint and I was dealing with a derailer that was making out with a tree branch. As I clicked up and down, the crap got dislodged and I managed a 12th place, stayed upright and finished. Just doing that felt like a victory.

As the saying goes "its like riding a bike"....yeah well who ever said that is a douche who never crashed at 30+mph in a race.

Oh the HILARITY!!!

Ok...so here are the pics from my crash that up until now I have been unable to post...enjoy!


Music Cue: The sad piano Walking Away Incredible Hulk Music. "UGH....everyone down there is watching me walk to the finish". (btw...in 90 seconds, the wheel in my hand will explode causing EVERYONE to spin around and look at the pathetic mess walking towards them)

This is the wheel that ended up in the lake down the hill on the right. If you click on the pic...you can see the seaweed and water on the rim.

Back from NY!

And this is what I come home to....UGH!

Mental note to self..."throw away EVERYTHING if you are going to be away for more than a week"

Race report from Saturday is on the way!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Funniest Crash.....EVER!!!

Ok, so NOTHING was funny about my latest race crash. First off it is only the 2nd time I have ever crashed in a race and the first was 2 weeks ago in Burlingame.

Needless to say, I am on the East Coast doing the Job Search thing snd brought my bike to do some racing. Last year when I did this I had great results and really enjoyed myself. This year...not so much.

I bypassed a July 4th crit in NJ to hang with family and enjoy the holiday so my first race was the Farmers Market Alliance race in Branchbrook Park in NJ. A fine fast and flat course with a 180 Fremont style turn on a nearly 4 mile circuit...fun stuff right? Yeah thats what I thought too. But the day started a little hectic. 4:30am wake up for a 6:30am start and I got lost so I jumped from the car at 6:15, dumped, checked in, dumped again and got on the bike and rolled up to the line and we were off. Yes I used the bathroom as my warm up.

Without knowing the competition I knew I needed to sit in to warm up so after the first lap I jumped into a break. Not smart. They got pissed but I couldn't help it...I couldn't get my heartrate up so I did no work and we were absorbed a lap later. Needless to say, from there I just sat in for the next 25 minutes warming up.

As the race went on, breaks tried to go and they were caught and everytime thru the 180I found myself near the front staying out of trouble and because the 180 is at the top of what they call a climb. (Now I'm a climbing snob) With 2 to go, a break of 5 gets up the road but only about 10 seconds and no real worry but it seemed we had trouble pulling them back. entering the last "climb" to the 180 I got to the front of the chase and whipped around the 180 and started motoring. Then I pulled off and NO ONE PULLED THRU. I thought..."F this, I am not leading the pack to the break" and I literally sat up. FINALLY someone pulled thru and the pace was up again but this was what the break needed. Now it was a setting up for the sprint and 3 of the 5 were fading fast and then the snapping of mousetraps happened.

As I started my sprint I looked left to bounce out of the pack when for some reason that only the ALMIGHTY LORD and SAVIOR himself knows for sure some F&%King IDIOT hits his brakes. Yeah 300 meters from the line, DURING THE SPRINT, this ASSHAT hits his brakes and I am on his wheel. That is when my race went to complete shit!!!

That is when I decided that the road in Branchbrook State Park in NJ needed repaving and I would use my leg and ass to do. I landed first sharply on my elbow and bounced to my left sliding in my "Ray Storm edition" skin suit to an undesirable DNF! As I slid, I grabbed my head to protect myself from anyone flipping over me and after 1 rider did I looked up to see a glorious sight.

It was the image that will stay burned in my mind for the entirety of my life. A sight I never thought I would see...cast your mind and picture this:

The sight of a bicycle wheel, MY BICYCLE WHEEL bouncing 20 feet in the air and then continuing down a grass knoll into a lake coming to rest 10 feet off shore...just floating there like a lone cheerio in a huge bowl of milk.

When my body finally came to a halt, that is where my profanity induced tirade took over and I desperately hoped that the guy who caused this was around but that wasn't the case. Instead teammates of the guy who flew over me came over to make sure we were ok and then they helped me fish my wheel out of the water. After picking up my bike, the piece of fork that was now detached and my front wheel, I walked slowly to the finish line with racers and officials watching. Then to add insult to injury as if on cue...my front wheel exploded. NICE!

That's what I call bike racing.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

No Podium Again!!!

There they were...just staring at me..taunting me. Saying "c'mon...stand on us. WE DARE YOU".

Its not like I didn't make a valiant effort but alas, it was not to be. I mean I have stood on them before and its very cool. But for some reason, this season they have escaped me. OH YOU CURSED STEPS!!! It could be all the climbing and non sprinting I have incorporated into my training. Maybe its the competition, tougher this year than last. Maybe its the stress of the job hunt. Or maybe just maybe I BLOW!

The race was the Celebrate Fremont Criterium. Complete with its 180 degree U-Turn 100 meters past the start/finish line and those steps. When I saw the steps before the race started I knew that was going to be my inspiration.

Unfortunately I wasn't feeling all that fresh and I didn't have a lot of confidence going in. I did try though. I also did something I have never done before in a race. I actually got into a break that stayed away for 3 laps (usually they sit up within a lap) and I got my first ever preem. Normally I NEVER contest the preems because I am too focused on the overall, but today I kind said screw it. It was cool and I almost made it 2 in a row but just got nipped by one of my break companions.

So all in all, I would grade this race a strong B. And considering my strained hamstring maybe I should bump it up to a B+. Can you believe I strained my hamstring doing manual labor? What kind of wuss am I that I do a little hard work and I strain a hamstring?!?!

You know what...maybe I was right earlier...maybe I BLOW!

Now its off to NYC to do some East Coast racing!