Saturday, September 15, 2007

I said Pull Over!!!

Today was my first real ride since the crash at San Ardo. I decided I need to test my fitness today and with the Mt Tam hill climb going on today I decided that the Spectrum ride out of Los Altos was a good pick. Mostly flat, some sprint points and power climbs.

I was a bit nervous but still found myself cranking it up as we neared the first sprint point though I backed off. Then it happened. The Cops! The Fuzz! Pigs!

After what seemed like a cool lead vehicle down Portola Valley road, the local police then put on the flashers and pulled over a group of about 60 riders. Now thats balls....but we stopped. He then proceeded to lecture us on riding on the roads. They say it is because of complaints but I say F that! If we have to stop at lights and signs and can get pulled over and given tickets just like cars, we ought to be allowed to ride the roads without worrying about people complaining that our group is too big or whatever.

Then the cop starts handing out what look to be tickets and with that, riders at the back quickly turn and take off. It was just a flyer with rules on it...I don't know. I couldn't really read it while I was riding.

So then we are off again, making our way along the route and down Canada road to sprint point #2 when again, The Cops! The Fuzz! A pork product of some type! (you get the picture)

With this 2nd stop by the PO- LEECE the juice is quickly leaving our group and people are getting a bit frustrated. We get the rundown of blah blah blah and we are off once again. The rest of the ride sees no more stops and it takes a while but we finally start hauling again and the ride finishes without sprint point number#4 being contested because of a traffic light. Oh well, not the most inspiring Spectrum ride but still fast and better yet, my fitness after 3 weeks off the bike is good. SWEET! Will I race next week....hmmmm....maybe.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ask me about my WEINER!!!!

Its amazing some of the things you see when you are out riding your bike. Yep, I did that this weekend even though I probably shouldn't have considering my separated shoulder from the San Ardo race 2 weeks ago.

Well, here is the latest...Ok, so a few Mice saw me out on the road this weekend. I rode both days but took it easy and the shoulder, except for some stiffness it felt good. I think my triceps hurt more than anything. And then falling UP my stairs yesterday didn't help either but I digress.

That said, had my Orthopedist Appt (Dr. Belzer) today and he said it was just a 2nd degree separation and that I can ride my bike today if I want. (Then I told him I already did)

He also told me to take it easy, ice it and suggested some exercises for me to do. Then told me in a very doctorly voice to NOT CRASH (no shit) and sent me on my surgery needed!

Yay ME!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Trainer ROCKS!

Actually, no it doesn't BUT it was the first time since the crash at San Ardo that I was on the bike and even though I didn't go anywhere it was still better than what I have been doing...eating Fried Twinkies and watching TV.

It felt good to turn the cranksl, sweat and even stand on the pedals here and there with virtually no pain in the shoulder. The ortho appt is on Monday so I am hoping for a good visit and good news.

More trainer tomorrow???? hmmmmmmm

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My old band

even though this is NOT cycling related....we all came from somewhere. This is a promotional pic of me with my old band Fiction from 1992....pre-cycling. If you have to ask...I'm the one seated closest to the HOT TEACHER! (she really wasn't a teacher)

But that hair would look AWESOME flowing out of a helmet. Its Chippo-esque!

Here it is...

the photographic evidence of my season ending crash....this is the hospital I was driven to at 100mph by my teammate Ammon who also took these pics. Its not that we were in a rush because of the pain or the crash. He just never drove a bmw before and thought it would be fun to go 100mph with 2 bikes on the back.

This is my dumb ass after learning that the injury wasn't a broken collar bone but actually a separated shoulder...yes I am a tool.

This is the back of said separated shoulder with road rash that has sinced itched like crazy and that "x" like thing on my back is not a supportive man-bra or "bro"/"manzere" (see Seinfeld for reference) but a figure 8 to help keep my shoulder back and somewhat in place.

Finally this is me and my trusty ward Hank! Hank sheppard me home from the hospital and kept it under 80mph....most of the way. He also helped me unload the car, got me upstairs to my apartment and helped me take off my shirt...even though I didn't ask him to. He truly is gentle. And normally I think blondes are shallow. Thanks Hank....or should I call you "Chocolate"?