Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In Memory of Matt Peterson

Matt...you will be missed and we have all lost a truly good friend.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snow Snow Go Away!!!

So I guess by the title you can tell we have had some snow here in NY. Actually it hasn't been thatbad BUT I am ready fo it to be done with. Sure it looks all purty and shit but F*#K Purty!!! I want it to be nice. Nice enough that i don't have to wear bootys, 2 pairs of gloves, full length knickers and a hat. Nice enough that I can't see my breath when I am huffin and puffin into the wind and sometimes snow. But everytime I am out in this crap I always remember the pics of the boys in Belgium and I think, if they can do it, so can I! SO I will officially STOP complaining Darren.

Hey if you are wondering, I have found some good rides here on Long Island but unfortunately there is hardly any climbing. (Those of you who know I hate climbing might find it hard to believe BUT I miss it...especially my favorite climb Alpine DAMN!) Long Island is like doing the Paradise Loop every day. The longest climb I have found is just about 5 minutes long so needless to say my climbing legs are GONE! The group rides here I have been riding are pretty good though. I usually am hanging in the back as I am just finishing my base work and am now starting to add intervals. I may even do a training race this weekend depending on the weather.

Now for some non cycling related news. After a LONG time looking I have finally found a job. WOO HOOOOO!!!! Sure its not what I wanted but its a gig. I will be writing comedy for a radio prep service. Go figure...someone actually thinks I am funny and I have convinced them to pay me for it. The only downside is that it is in Connecticut. Oh well...its a job and I have accepted it. Now I just have to figure out new ride routes...UGH!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

This has NOTHING to do with Cycling....but

For those of you who know me, know that I have been at the center of some pretty "ugly" moments in my radio career. Those are what led me to San Francisco to begin with and find me where I am today. I did the interview below because I have never really told my side of some of those things and about crap that can go down behind the scenes.

Low and behold, I was caught off guard by portions of the interview showing up in yesterday's NY Daily News...but what can you do? My only real problem with it is that the reporter who filed thee story in the NY Daily News didn't spell my name right....other than that? ROCK ON!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008
No apologies by radio producer Rick Del Gado, who was Hot, then not
Wednesday, February 13th 2008, 4:00 AM
Rick Del Gado played key roles in two of the messiest incidents in recent city radio history. He was the producer when Opie and Anthony held their infamous "Sex in St. Patrick's" contest on WNEW (102.7 FM) in 2002 and again when the morning team at WQHT (97.1 FM) aired the "Tsunami Song" in 2005.
Both times, he got fired.
And both times, he tells Chaunce Hayden in Steppin' Out magazine, he was just following orders.
"I don't think I crossed the line either time," he tells Hayden. "It was my job."
At the moment, Del Gado doesn't have a radio job. After Hot-97, he worked in San Francisco for a while, but now he's "between gigs," as they say - and he doesn't sound particularly happy about it.
He notes to Hayden that Opie and Anthony had been doing the St. Patrick's stunt for three years. "The listeners got involved, everybody had fun and management signed off," he says. "It was no secret to anybody. It was just entertainment. It was to get people to listen. That's what we're in radio for, to get people to listen."
With the "Tsunami Song," he says the same thing: "I did what they [management] told me to do," which was get attention. He has said many times that the song, which mocks tsunami victims, was intended as a parody of the gooey, vacant "charity" songs of celebrity do-gooders.
"My job is to step over the line," he says. "The dump button and management is there to make sure we don't go too far."
But the song got through at a time when Hot-97 wanted the right kind of attention. "In this corporate B.S. world, somebody has to take the fall if you get bad publicity," Del Gado says.
In fact, he adds, "All the radio people I talk to ... have patted me on the back. They all work in the industry and they admire I did something they couldn't do themselves for fear of losing their jobs."
He readily admits he's not happy that "everybody gets paid, except for me." He also suggests his old bosses Opie and Anthony "aren't bringing in any ad dollars these days. The only guys in radio who bring in big ad dollars are Howard Stern and Imus."
He further differentiates between Opie and Anthony. "I thought they would have my back. I learned early on that one had my back and the other didn't."
That one, he says, is Opie. "Opie is a d- and no one likes him," says Del Gado. "But nobody will tell that to his face."
Del Gado also says "shock radio" is "dead in corporate America. Because Howard Stern made so much money for his company, other companies thought they could take the same format and turn it into gold as well. But all they did was turn shock radio into dog s-."
He seems frustrated that people don't get parodies.
"It's comedy," he says. "It's stupid comedy. It's so stupid it's got to be funny. If anyone takes it seriously, they're an idiot."
And his own career?
"I don't think it needs fixing. I think radio needs fixing.
"I apologize for nothing and I never will."

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 2008...in NYC

So, its been a while since my last posting. Call it depression, being homeless or just plain cold and aggravated but being on the east coast this time of year BLOWS!!!! Just look at my car if you need proof...it misses SF as much as I do.

I mena shit its cold every goddamn day....and I don't want to hear shit form your tree hugging fear mongers on global warming...thats BULLSHIT!!! Its Fucking cold.

If you are wondering, I have been riding...cold lonely basemiles for now with one hard ride per week to keep pthe body used to going fast. But every ride starts out the same...watching your breath and hoping your toes and fingers thaw out soon. It usually takes about 45 to 60 minutes. Depending on which way the wind is blowing and how cold it is. I've now ridden in 23 degree weather and let me tell you...IT SUCKS! The only reprise is climbing to get warm but even that stinks. The longest climb I have found so far is only 5 minutes long and that is in zone 1. AND I HATE CLIMBING!!!

Anyhow, the stage is set. Looks like NYC is my home again (for now) and February starts Friday. Time to get serious with the training.

And lets give it up for my girl Liz Hatch!!! She just did a spread for MAXIMonline.com. Whoever says bike chicks aren't hot I hope rides their bike into a tree!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Last Team Ride

from DP:

We had a great last ride with Rick today, a little sadness but mostly laughs and good times. The group rode up to the Java Slut for coffee and snacks, then hit the Alpine Dam loop. A beautiful ride as always. And of course there was attacking early & often from James R.

Rick was uncharacteristicall y on good behavior almost the whole time, and I was beginning to think he might go the entire ride without flipping anybody off or yelling snide comments at clueless drivers. We even got through Sausalito without incident. But true to form, Rick finally came through on the bridge on the way home...we had a slow guy riding in front of us on a 4-wheeled recumbent type thing. The guy was probably disabled and was riding really slow, basically blocking the whole lane. Finally Rick gets fed up, pulls along side me and says, "Dude, tell Stephen Hawking he's holding everybody up!!!" and then proceeds to scoot past the guy. Classic!

Rick, it's been a pleasure having you on the team these past couple years. We wish you luck and success in New York, and please come back and see us when you can. Like it or not, you are a permanent part of the Mouse family!


The Rick Delgado 1st Annual Memorial Ride

Well it was a lovely Sunday morning for the 1st annual Rick Delgado Memorial Ride and Java Slut Stop.

On hand were DP, James, Ray, Me (not dead yet) and new guy Liam (who got lost near the bikepath on the easiest part of the ride)...what do you expect? He's Canadian! But I digress.

It all started out lovely with a nice tempo up the climb to Corte Madera and a quick regroup at Twin Cities. Then it was off to the Java Slut because James the Hurricane Rosberg needed his coffee. We rolled to a stop and there was a pretty good crowd there, enjoying the coffee no doubt. We enjoyed our stop while Ray mingled with the Mtn Bikers and I got to meet Otis Guy (Mtn Bike Hall of Famer) http://www.otisguycycles.com

Then we set off for my final trek up Alpine Damn! We had a nice tempo going and I want to thank Ray and James for leading me out to the power climb section before the descent to the Damn! After some guys we passed made a comment of "is that it?" DP and James decided after spotting them a minute it was time to walk them down. They were off pretty quickly while I rode with Ray and Liam. Then I decided I would also chase these guys down and not only were they caught but dropped while in my 19!

We then rode the 7 sisters/bitches and headed down to Mill Valley. Thats when we lost Liam...somewhere. We are still not sure. We doubled back and even split up but never found him. Hope you got back ok dude. Or maybe he got shot into space?

Then it was off thru Sausalito one last time and 1 more time over the GGB. Thats when my good mood was ruined by some old guy in a wheel chair bike thing with 4 wheels, mirrors and a banana seat. (guessing) As I came up along James i yelled to DP to tell this guy he was holding up traffic. Spotting a gap a shot thru. DP says a made a foul remark but I can't recall ; )

Anyhow, thanks to James, DP, Ray and Liam for making it out. It was a fun last team ride...sorry more couldn't make it. If you are ever in NY look me up!

Take Care Mice and Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Responses from the Mouse..."That Guy Rick"

from William:

Just thought I'd get the ball rolling on what could possibly be a long
list of Rick Delgado moments...

1. Easter Sunday 2007. Rick flips off a bunch of old ladies on the
Golden Gate Bridge and tells them that he hopes they decide to jump
off. Oh and they happened to be protesting some sort of war or

2. Every corner of every crit I've ever raced with Rick.
it was Rick. Perhaps I should have taken his advice. That way I
would have raced more than four times this year.


from Ray Storm:

Or how about that time rick brought over those two tranny hookers and..... oh i guess you guys weren't there.

well how about the time he ruined my skin suit in some stupid crash in ny. ha ha just kidding.

really how about that he is a great friend and i will miss the sorry son of a bitch.

from Motorboat:

Or that time he yelled "Jesus Christ Asshole!" in the middle of the Christian Cyclists Dash For Cash Race...

Hey bro, sorry to hear you have to move back east. It was great to have you on the team, and I think you constantly berating me for not CATing up to 3s really pushed me this season. We will miss all your off colored comments and that distinctive New York edge in your personality. Take care bro.


from Isaias

What about the infamous weekends of Merced racing...we are housed at Casa Lollini and it's the usual cast of characters: Ray, Ben, DP, Chris, Larry, Matt, James, me and of course Rick.

Some how we got to talking about one of Rick's radio shows, I can't really remember what the heck it was about, but what came out of it was a new saying, "do you ever play that game." The beauty of it is that you can bust it out anytime somebody makes some sort of joke or innuendo. It's a classic. None of the one liners are coming to mind right now, but I'm sure this post will stimulate somebody's mind. Oh here we go, "you ever play that game, stimulate somebody's mind." HAH!

Rick, it was nice to meet you and with you. Your quick wit and sarcasam is always a laugh! Good luck in NYC!
