Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 2008...in NYC

So, its been a while since my last posting. Call it depression, being homeless or just plain cold and aggravated but being on the east coast this time of year BLOWS!!!! Just look at my car if you need proof...it misses SF as much as I do.

I mena shit its cold every goddamn day....and I don't want to hear shit form your tree hugging fear mongers on global warming...thats BULLSHIT!!! Its Fucking cold.

If you are wondering, I have been riding...cold lonely basemiles for now with one hard ride per week to keep pthe body used to going fast. But every ride starts out the same...watching your breath and hoping your toes and fingers thaw out soon. It usually takes about 45 to 60 minutes. Depending on which way the wind is blowing and how cold it is. I've now ridden in 23 degree weather and let me tell you...IT SUCKS! The only reprise is climbing to get warm but even that stinks. The longest climb I have found so far is only 5 minutes long and that is in zone 1. AND I HATE CLIMBING!!!

Anyhow, the stage is set. Looks like NYC is my home again (for now) and February starts Friday. Time to get serious with the training.

And lets give it up for my girl Liz Hatch!!! She just did a spread for MAXIMonline.com. Whoever says bike chicks aren't hot I hope rides their bike into a tree!!!


velopicante said...

i love liz hatch! i'm gonna pick that shiznit up tonite! Have you seen the latest maxim with Heidi Montag...uhhh, uhhhh.

L A R R Y said...

YO, ever play that game

"Ride your bike into a tree" ?